a letter from Amanda
I’m incredibly grateful you’re here; so nice to meet you!
If you find yourself consistently feeling overwhelmed, disorganized, unfulfilled, or discouraged in your daily walk with the Lord, it’s no accident you are visiting this site; the Lord has brought you here.
The Lord inspired the vision for the JoySoul Connection Ministry through His word in John 15:5, which reveals to us that when we abide in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we will bear much spiritual fruit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control...Sounds amazing to have access to all that fruit right!?
However in our overscheduled lifestyles, we've lost commitment to stillness with the Lord; in his word, to prayer, and to sabbath. Which in turn has caused our Spiritual lights to dim and our mental health to waiver.
Friends, when that happens we live our lives asleep to the goodness that the Lord has for us.
Sis, you were created on Purpose for his special Purpose for you!
This revelation sparked a desire in my heart to create the JoySoul Connection Devotional and Daily Planner, as well as this site to provide resources that will inspire and equip you to live out your God given purpose!
The Kingdom of Heaven needs Your Unique Holy Spirit Filled Light in Action!
Check out the Devotional Planner Tab of this site to reserve your copy today.
Love your sister in Christ,